Wednesday, May 21, 2008

itty bitty...

I walk, jog, or drive past this house nearly every day and it always makes me laugh a little bit because of the not one, but two big GIANT metal lions guarding the 15 foot sidewalk from the street to the front door. The lions look like they are about ready to eat the house rather than guard it. In other words, pretentious much?

Then yesterday I drove past the "Big Lion/Small House" house and saw this itty bitty car, looking like it was me-owing at the lions, and it made me laugh so hard I cried. The only problem is, in this picture the car makes the house look much bigger than it really is, and the lions almost seem to fit. They should park the car there every day.

I wish I could have played with photography a bit more to emphasize the proportions, but
a. I don't have the skills, and
b. the neighbors were watching me, so I had to quick stick my camera out of the window and snap the shot.
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raggy said...
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