Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sleep Talking

My sister Jennifer just posted on her blog about my sleep talking. It's embarrassing to me but apparently hilarious (and annoying) to other people. To hear my latest sleep conversation click HERE and HERE. Especially click on the second one if you want to hear a Corndog compared to a Testimony.


The Fifes said...

That is SOOOOO hilarious. A side of you i never imagined! ;)

BS said...

Okay, I had NO idea you sleep talk! I want to hear some of these now... :)

John and Allison said...

So I was officially rolling on the ground laughing so hard... I had no idea you were crazy tara! :)

Jacob said...

hey! tara, ive never met you but i was good friends with scott a few years back...we were efy counselors together! and ive heard about you and that you are great, and saw a bunch of the old buddies at mary and marks the other night and wanted to say hi! i tried to send you guys an invite to my wedding but it kept getting sent back to me...your blog is super cute! hope all is well with you two:)
britt davis
(now barney)

The Fifes said...

hey!! I want more posts!! How is that belly of yours??