I kind of hate to post these last pictures of the Russians because it means they're really gone. A few hours before they left, I started feeling this compulsive need to take pictures even though there was nothing exciting going on. I think it was my last "holding on with the fingernails" attempt to keep them here somehow...

Guess I got used to having 7 extra people around, because the next day it definitely felt like something was missing. Goodbye Russians, we'll miss you. And Ola, I really really really hope you will come live and study here next year.

Ola started tearing up at dinner and was blinking back tears for the next couple hours until the Bates came to take them to Salt Lake. She gave me a hug that lasted five full minutes - every time she'd pull away she'd start crying harder and then put her face in my shoulder again so no one could see. Kept saying "lubilu" (love you) As their ride pulled away she was drawing hearts with her hands and pointing at us....can't decide if that is a good memory or a bad one.

Andrew probably said it best "I think they're sad our week is over, but sadder that it's one week closer to going back to where they came from...."

So glad you came. Lubilu.
Hi Tara,
This is Jeff Alexander from California.
I just wanted to offer my compliments on your blog; especially the recent posts involving the Russians. You have a sincere writing style that included with pictures makes your blog very touching. I think you and your family have inspired and engaged these 5 girls with experiences to last a lifetime.
Thank you!
Hi Jeff,
I have heard so much about you. My family has talked about how great you are with these Russian kids. And also, "jeff" was one word I kept picking out from the chatter of the girls. So it sounds like you have some pretty fierce admirers. Good luck in your travels next week, my brother Ben just decided to go - he's waiting for the Visa. Thanks for reading the blog! Do you have one?
I do have a blog. I'm sure you can get to it by clicking my linked name. However I am not nearly as creative as you nor am I consistant enough. lol!
Take care!
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